Our Services

Therapy for…



You spend most days worrying about the worst case scenario. Even when you’re doing something enjoyable, anxiety will rear its ugly head with countless "what ifs." 

​It’s impossible to get good sleep. You have tried everything to tune out the noise in your head. And once you do fall asleep, you wake up several times throughout the night. You're trying to function on little sleep and reaching the end of your patience. 

You lash out at those who care about you the most, and you don't know why. Maybe you’re yelling at your kids, avoiding friends, or saying things you'll later regret to your partner. You just feel so overwhelmed and irritable. 

​Maybe you use your anxiety as fuel to succeed. You have a strong drive to achieve, hold yourself to high standards, and always need to be moving. This is great… until it's not. Are you trying to attain the unattainable? Are you never completely satisfied with your work? Are you unable to relax, even at home? You don't have to live like this. It's exhausting. 

​Therapy can give you practical tools to manage your anxiety symptoms. With insight into where these patterns come from, you can better understand how to prevent the cycle. Let's challenge and replace those harmful thoughts and behaviors that are no longer serving you.

Therapy for…

Grief & Loss


Do you feel tired, lost, or angry? Does it feel like people expect you just to move on when your whole world has crumbled? Do you feel like a burden to those around you? Grief is like losing a limb. After a while, you may no longer have visceral pain, but you still feel a real, tangible loss. When you lose part of yourself, nothing can replace it.

All people will experience loss at some point in their lives. Grief is a reaction to any form of loss and can include a range of feelings, from deep sadness to intense anger. The process of adapting to a significant loss can vary dramatically from one person to another.

I am certified in grief counseling and have helped hundreds of people navigate their grief journey. I am passionate about helping those who have experienced loss navigate their new reality and move forward with their lives.